Friday, June 19, 2009

The Runaway Bride

Whatever I promised to do now or in the future,

I will finish what I already started and end it.

I will be responsible for what I said, what I have done and what I have vowed.

Even if I left the group now I will be responsible for whatever assignment started with me.

Although it does not benefit me at all.

Normal people will just leave without a word, without caring the group members feeling.

"Because, what for suffer so much at the end, where you don't gain anything in return. It is such a waste of your time."

The usual favorite speech by the "normal people" i mentioned.


In a blink of an eye, one of them has to present your part.

Indirectly requiring extra effort for the chosen "lucky one".


The game I promised to hand it over to you, I will make sure you'll get it at the end.

So, don't worry.

Well, surely such action won't affect any changes of your feelings towards me.

As you will still react coldly against me.

Yes, it is stupid of me for doing this but I remember what I said and I will be responsible for what I said.

But, one thing..

Are you responsible for what you done, what you promised and what you said in the past?

Thousands of promises uttered from your mouth.

Same promises whispered from your mouth directly to my ears almost daily.

Where has it gone to?

"Shall I compare thee to a summer day, thou art lovely and temperate..ya de ya de ya de ya.. I love you, lord of stupid.. I afraid tat you will leave me more than I will." (sms)

"You are the final bf that I will ever have coz you're the most special among my previous ones.. I will only think of you and no one else. I will only marry you in the future and will never leave you. We will have kids together. I want our daughter next time to be as fair as you and as leng lui as me. haha.. I want our son to be at least as tall as you or taller and as handsome as you are." (whispered)

This is just 2 examples of your "promises".

There are plenty more especially the sms-es you sent me.

I kept those in my record.

Before I can show you these proofs, you said you forgotten.

In my heart I know you remember all these, your just trying to act in front me.


To make up my mind to dump you?

So that you can be with the next one?

I am responsible for what I said.

I said I won't dump you means I won't dump you.

What are you thinking actually?

You thought that was just stupidity or you thought that was a joke?

What you have become right now is no longer the "you" that I knew anymore.

I just realised recently that I was the one being played all the while.

Thousands of promises were actually thousands of jokes just to make this Lord of Stupid happy momentarily.

Well congrats to you.

You finally tricked me because I fell for it, making me myself to officially call myself Lord of Stupid.

Our relationship was getting deeper and deeper each months until it halted just weeks ago.

Because you suddenly don't have feelings for me and don't recall the moments we been together.


That is how my bride-to-be ran away.

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